The Antique Anatomy Tarot Kit

The Antique Anatomy Tarot Kit

When I learn of a new Tarot Deck with the words: antique, ventage, retro, guilded . . . my curiosity is peeked. Tarot is an ancient art — going back to the Egyptians . . . I’m also interested in the witch decks . . . Those caught my attention when I...
The Housewives Tarot Review

The Housewives Tarot Review

This is definitely a quirky Tarot Card Deck . . . I don’t want to ruin the truly quirky nature of this deck — You’ll see once you click on the video. This is a deck worth exploring. I find it interesting to see a variety of Tarot Decks in order to...
Vice Versa Tarot Kit

Vice Versa Tarot Kit

I’m Always Amazed By What The Tarot Creators Have Invisioned For Their New Creations The Vice Versa Tarot is quite unique with the front and back of the images being depicted. This deck does follow the traditional Rider-Waite formate making it easy for beginners...
The High-End TOTEM Tarot Deck

The High-End TOTEM Tarot Deck

TOTEM Tarot “The TOTEM Tarot Deck harnesses the power of cross-cultural and multi-generational archetypes, all within a modern and high-impact tarot deck.” Released January 1, 2021. This is the collaboration of Rachel White, a gifted shaman and graphic...