A New Look At Steampunk Tarot

A New Look At Steampunk Tarot

I First Became Aquainted With Steampunk When I Started Working With Papercrafts And Getting Into Designer Series Papers It seemed fun and a bit whimsical … I did like the concept of gears and the turnkey for mmovement … But it doesn’t seem this deck...
2020 Tarot Forecast

2020 Tarot Forecast

I’m Not One Who Approaches A New Year With A Reading To See How Things Will Shape Up For Me … But when I noticed KateAKA Daily Tarot Girl presenting a Forecast, I had to stop and watch as well as share it here with you. I view Tarot as a direction …...
Consulting The Tarot

Consulting The Tarot

Many Times We Find Ourselves At A Crossroad — Unable To Decide The Best Solution Or Path To Take Today I was seeking options … And I was told “The Answer Is Within Me.” That was very nice … but I was seeking guidance with other...