The Sacred Sisterhood Tarot

The Sacred Sisterhood Tarot

I Can Imagine How Difficult It Is To Create A Tarot Deck . . . Ashawnee DuBerry and Coni Curi must have started with a theme — “Fierce Women” . . . You’re invited to tap into the Divine Feminine Energy. By so doing, you’ll be reclaiming...
ETHONY Modern Love Tarot Card Deck

ETHONY Modern Love Tarot Card Deck

Most people consulting the Tarot have issues with their love-life . . . finding love, keeping love . . . dealing with the loss of a loved one . . . Perhaps needing to know the best way to move on from a bad relationship . . . Issues involving love are complicated and...
The Antique Anatomy Tarot Kit

The Antique Anatomy Tarot Kit

When I learn of a new Tarot Deck with the words: antique, ventage, retro, guilded . . . my curiosity is peeked. Tarot is an ancient art — going back to the Egyptians . . . I’m also interested in the witch decks . . . Those caught my attention when I...
The Housewives Tarot Review

The Housewives Tarot Review

This is definitely a quirky Tarot Card Deck . . . I don’t want to ruin the truly quirky nature of this deck — You’ll see once you click on the video. This is a deck worth exploring. I find it interesting to see a variety of Tarot Decks in order to...