Otherkin Tarot Review

Otherkin Tarot Review

Once In Awhile A New Tarot Deck Comes Along That Truly Speaks To Your Soul I found this to be true with Siolo Thompson’s Otherkin Tarot. It truly captures the imagination … and makes you want to explore the deck and the various messages it has to reveil....
Otherkin Tarot Review

Learning Tarot

This Is My 100th Post!!! I’ve been thinking about Tarot and the best way to learn to read Tarot cards for fun as well as profit …  When I first set up Mystical Keys.com, I wanted to learn as quickly as possible … learn all the shortcuts and begin...
Otherkin Tarot Review

Film Your Tarot Card Readings

Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Are Into Tarot Cards The problem for many of us is getting our camera or cell phone at the right angle to show the cards in the best light. There is a way with the Arkon Pro Phone Stand. It’s great for photographing items on a...
Otherkin Tarot Review

King Of Pentacles

Do Tarot Cards Have A Mind Of Their Own? I often wonder about this. I’ll draw a card for the day just to get my mind wrapped around something other than the drama that seems to be in the air … More times than I can count, the King of Pentables makes an...