Tarot Is A Valuable Tool

In life we have hundreds of questions … how to go about getting a promotion or a job … is a particular career path the correct one for you … It could be about timing … Is this the right time to buy a home or move or take a vacation … For me, it’s always about doing something online either with building a new website, revamping an older one … 

It does take time to think about what the Tarot is telling you … 

Daily Tarot Girl’s Tutorial Video:


I Enjoyed Kate’s Video And Hope It Was Helpful.

Tarot is a valuable tool to help you think through some serious issues to may be wresting with … from relationships to career to social interactions to hobbies … and the list can go on and on with the various complicated aspects of life …

As in Kate’s inquiry … I believe she was a bit relieved that she did not have to make a decision within a particular time phrame. Some may have a similar issue with needing to find a place to live immediately due to rent increases or other factors. I have a friend who needed to move due to financial issues and another due to health issues. They need to act immediately …

But for most of us we may want change and may be able to take the time to make those changes at a slower pace. I do like to analize various options …

And also to see if I’m on the right path …

I turn to Tarot for Guidance … It is not necessarily the definitive answer to my particular issue …

For me it seems to be a “snap shot” of where I am and if I continue in the same direction than these are the possible options … or if I change directions there may be other outcomes … either positive or negative depending upon one’s personal perspective …

I also believe it is essential to select a Tarot Deck where you feel a connection …


Techniques For Connecting With Your Tarot Deck by Ethony:


Ethony Gives Some Excellent Tips …

I’m very much drawn to several of her techniques, but the one that got peaked my curiosity was the Interview Spread and I’d like to discover which of my Tarot Decks are a bit sassy …

I’m sure you can pick those out of your Tarot Deck Collection to discover that particular aspect for yourself … I think the Bone Fire Tarot Deck may be a bit sassy … but now that I think of it there may be others as well … 

We Are Drawn To Particular Tarot Decks For Various Reasons.

I’m not an expert on this “attraction” theory. It could be how you feel one particular day or you were watching a YouTube Video Walkthrough and got caught up in the images or the person’s initial reaction …

I’ve bought Tarot Decks based on Video Walkthroughs and the presenters reactions and my own as well. I go with things that intrigue me or make me laugh … I don’t believe I’d go for one that scared me or gave me a creepy feeling … Perhaps after “interviewing” my Tarot Decks one or two of them may creep me out!! I definitely hope not 🙂

Thanks for stopping by!


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