Life Is About Cycles As Well

Nature has its cycles — Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter …

In a previous post, I spoke of reading Tarot and learning key words for each card. I gave examples of key words … and the suggestion that you can choose key words that work best for you … We are individuals and we have our own experiences — Yes we can relate to others, but when we do a Tarot reading we need to be aware of cycles and how some can be changed by our behavior and some are universal laws that will come as scheduled … sunrise and sunset … seasons … weather patterns … flooding, fires, etc sometimes have a season … We need to be aware and be prepared.  Then there are unpredictable events … Our personal safety and well being is forefront for ourselves, our friends, our families … our neighbors and community … 

Of course we have personal issues … love relationships … decisions to make regarding jobs or moving … financial issue … and the list can go on and on … 

Life’s cycles mess with us all the time … Everything is going well … and then something happens … 

You may have noticed in the Tarot suits how there is a patterns of ups and down … then a end … the end of a cycle or a chapter in your life … Change is something we experience all the time … We change our minds about the direction of our lives … maybe we want or need a new home … or move to a new area for new opportunities or to be closer to family or friends … 

At times unpleasant things happen … we can’t change those events, but we can grow from them … All of our experiences … the good and the bad … shape us into the person we are today … We may have a new perspective as to how we could have handled a past situation … we can’t change it, but we can change our point of view … We can strive to be a better person and to be better prepared and to make wiser decisions … These are some of the lessons we learn with Tarot …

Buy a Tarot deck and do some readings for yourself to get a better understanding of yourself and your beliefs and ideas … the choices you make … You may find it to be quite an interesting journey …

Thanks for stopping by!


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