The Importance Of Interaction

There are times I feel as though I’m talking to myself … I do know I have visitors and many who have clicked my links and bought Tarot Cards and other products … but I’m receiving no comments. I do want to hear from you 🙂

I’d like to know where you are in your Tarot Journey.

What Tarot Decks have you found that knock your socks off!!! Have you done a Tarot Deck Interview? What questions did you ask? How did it work out for you?

Are there YouTube Channels that you follow regularly? Do you have a YouTube Channel?

I’m thinking of making one … I’ve been fiddling with my camera, figuring out how it works … I’ve had it for a number of years. Oh! The pictures I planned to take!! And the videos I planned to make. It looks much easier than it actually is …

I suppose in some ways I can relate to The Fool … but tend to be more like The Hermit … and then again The Hierophant intrigues me … Do you relate to any particular Tarot Card?

In my Bonefire Tarot Interview, she chose the Six of Cups to describe me and very much got it right. Yes, I’m pretty much into nostalgia … especially around the holidays … And sometimes everyday … I also learned from this interview that Bonefire Tarot would help me get out of my comfort zone … Something I definitely need to do … And perhaps others as well …

This is truly a journey … One that I find Tarot will help guide me through or provide some entertainment along the way …

Since I’m Begging For Comments, I Thought It Appropriate To Add Some Images Of Tarot Cards Decks I’ve Reviewed And Purchased. 

I lean towards those that follow the Rider-Waite-Smith format or system. It just makes sense for me to learn Tarot in this manner with a variety of Tarot decks to assist me in reading intuitively … I beiieve Kate of Daily Tarot Girl will be teaching a class on Intuitive Tarot Card Reading this fall … I’ll let you know when she makes this announcement. I plan to sign up. It’s always nice to have some help with our Tarot Journey.

I haven’t been studying Tarot for very long ,.. but that didn’t stop me from starting my Tarot Deck Collection. I was basically content with Rider-Waite Tarot and Everyday Witch Tarot … but others came along and I just had to purchase them …

The ones I have chosen for this post are:

  • Legacy of the Divine Tarot
  • Mystical Manga Tarot
  • The Green Witch Tarot

Of course I had to add a witch tarot into the mix … I had to purchase Mystical Manga because of “Mystical” to fit into this “Mystical Key” website. I was drawn to Legacy of the Divine to move from the past and go into the future. A concept I found quite interesting … The word “Legacy” hooked me right away …

We can go traditional, nostalgic … and just about any direction we choose. There are Tarot Decks for everyone … with more being created or waiting to be released … I think Tarot will always be popular.

I Would Be Interested In Knowing When You Became Interested In Tarot And How You Acquired Your First Tarot Deck.

I’m always delighted to learn that a mother, grandmother, aunt or uncle got many Tarot Experts interested at a young age … 

I’ve always been interested in the occult … and “things that go bump in the night” … with ghosts and hauntings … and about the future … All those quiries about whether someone likes you or if you’ll pass a test … I may have been 11 or 12 when I got my Magic 8 Ball … I played with pendulums … but asking yes and no questions lost its appeal quickly … Thus enters the Ouija Board …

Oh yes … I’ve heard all the crazy scary stories about them … I don’t have one so thus I don’t consult one … But I did have one which fortunately didn’t move or give me any insights … It didn’t do anything interesting or creepy and quickly found itself out in the garage. 

The only thing I can say about it was when we were moving, my brother and I had boxes of old toys and other items we were to go through. I remember picking up the Quija Board box and the planchette flew out of the box spun around the garage a few times and hid under the freezer. I honestly couldn’t believe what I saw …

I asked my brother if he saw that … but he was too busy looking at his collection of comic books and football cards …

Needless to say … the Ouija Board went into the Goodwill or Salvation Army boxes minus the planchette. 

To be honest with you, on moving day I hung around the garage when the movers were moving the freezer to retreave the planchette … but it wasn’t there … It could have found another cozy spot to hide for the new residents to find and wonder if there was a Quija Board tucked away in the garage … It may have been an interesting scavenger hunt for them … And … I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that Quija Board never found its way to be recycled …

But … I’m not here to talk about Ouija Boards … but Tarot Cards … Hey … if you want I’d love to hear about your Ouija Board experiences over at 

You can email me at: or I’d love to hear from you.

Oh my goodness!! I did get sidetracked … maybe doing YouTube Videos wouldn’t be such a great thing for me … It’s not the same as blogging … or the way I blog … I just flow wherever my mind takes me … 

I View Tarot As A Tool

The readings and messages you receive are pretty much a snap shot of where you are here and now, Everything is subject to change. You decide whether to move forward in one direction or another due to your preferences rather than a Tarot Card Reading telling you to do anything.\

We pretty much make up our own mind about things … We have family and friends who make suggestions … do we follow their advice? Sometimes … sometimes not …

And, of course, there are times when a Tarot Card Reading will not go well … You may become frightened … I don’t believe there is anything evil about Tarot … 

I do invite you to share your thoughts on the subject in the comments below.

Here Are Some Scary Tarot Stories That Will Creep You Out!


There are creepy stories about just about everything. We get freaked out about dolls and clowns … symbols and superstitions …

I’m not afraid of Tarot Cards … I obviously don’t believe they’re evil. There are usually logical explanations as to why a Tarot Card Reading was scary … There is all kinds of energy around us which can affect our state of mind …

Oh My Goodness, My Internet Connection Went All Wacky On Me While I’ve Been Writing This Post.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be sharing scary Tarot horror stories with you … But … I love Tarot and I like to hear Tarot stories …

It is all about your personal perspective. If you like Tarot Cards, you’ll be visiting my website as well as others … If you don’t … then unfortunately this website isn’t for you … Yes, I want visitors and buyers and comments … but I know not everyone shares my interests …

I was looking for videos about one’s personal experiences insofar as when they first became interested in Tarot … Nothing all that interesting … And since I’m into creepy ghost stories and hauntings … Scary Tarot Horror Stories seemed appropriate …

I do at times get freaked out by things that happen in my own home … I have an antique music box that will begin playing all by itself while the lid is closed. My baby grand piano will play a song or two right out of the blue … like a ghost decided to sit down and give me a short concert …

I do sometimes walk outside when this happens … its that instinct to take flight … I don’t go running out screaming … well … once or twice …

Please leave me a comment … visit me at for Real Ghost Stories.

Thanks for stopping by!


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