I Am So Into Presenting Tarot In Such A Way That You Find The Best Way For You To Learn 

We are all different … This is your journey … Embrace it and enjoy …

I know for me initially I was overwhelmed … All this stuff about the major arcana and the minor arcana, suits … spreads … card meanings … Where to begin?

It depends upon you … I found taking time looking at the various cards did a lot more for me than trying to remember meanings or looking for short cuts to learning … It was about getting to know my Tarot deck …

Getting The Most Out Of Your Tarot Experience …


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I believe it begins with selecting a Tarot deck … One that appeals to you and follows the Rider-Waite System … 

Tarot is a tool … It may give you guidance … Try to keep your questions as opened ended as possible rather than a yes or no question. 

When I decided to build my new website and revamp an older one, I did not consult the Tarot … It was something I wanted to do and felt very strongly about completing …Things are progressing … Perhaps consulting the Tarot would have been helpful … But sometimes you just need to dive in and think about it later 🙂

As I mentioned before, Tarot is a tool … It’s important to know who you are and what works best for you … For me, I need to act at some point or I’ll think a task to death and nothing will get done. That was why I didn’t consult the Tarot when I decided to build a new website and revamp an older one …

Sometimes Tarot won’t give you a definitive answer to your inquiry … You may receive guidance … And sometimes you may be completely confused … But in time it will make sense to you … Be calm and allow things to flow to you as they need to …

Enjoy your journey!!


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