The Holidays Are All About Family …

And an excellenhavet time for Tarot Readings … So many people are concerned about the affairs of the heart …We do need someone special in our life … even a new pet …

This can be a stressful time of year as well … getting gifts … travel plans … getting the house in order for guests … meal planning … planning activities … We don’t want our guests to be bored …

All in all, it is such fun to get together with family and friends …

I’ve Been Busy Building A New Website And Revamping An Established One …

There is something about Autumn that makes me want to begin a new project … To do something fun …

Even though Halloween is over, I’m still using my Everyday Witch Tarot Cards … and the website I decided to revamp and give a new home was my Real Ghost Stories niche …

I did not consult the Tarot regarding this project … I knew I was going to do it and wasn’t looking for varification … Perhaps I was afraid the Tarot would tell me it was a terrible idea … Perhaps it is … but I can revamp them … or eliminate them …

I Thought Crypt Kickers Was A Fun Name For A Ghost Hunting And Ghost Story Website …

Of course, Two Cans On A String goes quite well with cell phones and accessories … 

I get ideas and just go for it … Sometimes things work out … and sometimes not so well … but this project has kept me busy …

Thanks for stopping by!


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