I Woke Up This Morning Thinking About Tarot Spreads.

No, it’s not something I’d spread on toast and enjoy with my morning coffee …

These are spreads you can create when you want to ask Tarot specific questions. 

There are several spreads available online you can select or see on YouTube that may be exactly what you want. I was thinking about a spread I learned about in an earlier post to interview your Tarot deck. I know it sounds a bit farout … but it did intrigue me. It is so important to bond with your Tarot deck … 

Part of me is entrigued and excited … and then again I wonder what a particular Tarot would have to say to me … Sometimes they can be a bit sassy … It makes me wonder …

Katey Flowers Deck Interview Spread Video:


That Seemed Quite Straight Forward …

It’s wasn’t all that scary … but I do have to wonder about some of my Tarot decks. 

I predict some will be serious and straight forward … some may be playful … and I believe I do have a sassy or perhaps even a cranky Tarot deck … But I won’t know for sure until I conduct the interview …

I would imagine this would be an excellent way to get to know your Tarot deck. I know I purchased mine because I was drawn to each deck … I may add another card or two with other questions … I know with practice my interview technique or yours would be entirely different …

I may have different questions depending upon the deck or the responses I receive …

This is a wonderful place to begin.

I’m confident you’ll find other Deck Interview Spreads online and even on YouTube that may suit your style and personality better.

You’ll come across it … or decide to create one of your own. This is truly exciting!!

I hope this post was helpful and informative. Please leave me a comment below telling me your thoughts about Deck Interview Spreads and your favorite Tarot Deck …

Thanks for stopping by!



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