Oh my goodness!!! A Haunted House Themed Tarot Deck!!!

I was working on another blog post when I found this Tarot Deck and I just had to stop and give it a closer look!

I’m all about Haunted Houses and Haunted Places … I’m not all that brave to do a lot of exploring, but the places where I’ve been …

I’ve been known to run out screaming … later to find out it was a rat or a cat … But we did have a good laugh (at my expense, but I don’t mind — It’s always good to bring laughter and happiness into the lives of others 🙂 ) And … just as an aside, some of those same friends were running right behind me 🙂 … but we won’t mention any names …

Tarot of the Haunted House is by Sasha Graham and illustrated by Mirco Pierfederici. 

I am totally hooked on Amazon’s Same Day Delivery!! Sorry, I am so very distracted today … It could be the excitement of finding this Tarot Deck!!

“Bestselling author Sasha Graham teams up with popular Italian artist Mirco Pierfederici to bring you a beguiling deck whose cards suggest a compelling story. As you turn the cards, you’ll accompany the Fool, who finds herself inside a mysterious haunted house. Moving with her through the deck, you’ll unlock room after room and uncover the mansion’s true, romantic, and chilling tale while also discovering the Fool’s forgotten origins.”

I’m not entirely sure how this works as a Tarot deck, but I’m interested in finding out … I love the story concept and would love to see how this plays out in readings for myself and others …

With this deck you’ll encounter: vampires, witches, demons, angels … and who knows what else is hiding in the shadows …


Wow! It’s Absolutely Amazing The Variety Of Tarot Decks Available!

I need to take a closer look at these Tarot Decks. I’ve run into Tarot de la Nuit a number of times. This is the first time I’ve seen The Tarot of Vampyres. I’m sure many of you are interested … or know someone who is …

We never know where this wonderful journey into Tarot will take us … And what we’ll discover along the way 🙂

I do need to get back on topic …

Let’s Take A Stroll On Over To Jennifer Ball’s Witch House.

Her video to the right will give you a good look at Sasha Graham’s Tarot of the Haunted House.

Jennifer also gives us some interesting information about the author. I like it when an author becomes a real person. Makes me more likely to purchase. Not that I wasn’t going to before I viewed the video 🙂

I added some links to Sasha Graham’s Books — These do look like a lot of fun … and I believe will be very informative for your Tarot Journey.

Tarot of the Haunted House Viewing by Jennifer Ball’s Witch House:


This Blog Post Seems To Have A Lot To Consider …

It’s probably best for me to focus upon one thing at a time … but today has been quite an interesting adventure. I hope you enjoyed the twists and turns … Exploring other Tarot Decks and Books …

I find it sometimes helpful to find books and Tarot decks from links rather than trying to search of them on my own. Yet, there is great fun in just strolling around …

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