I Believe A Tarot Reading Is A Particular “Snap Shot” Of That Particular Moment

It could be an issue you’re having in your life or it could be something that is weighing heavily on your mind … or a thought you’re contemplating …

We have thoughts coming and going at us regularly … We notice it most when we’re trying to relax … or focus upon a task requiring your attention …

I was watching YouTube videos this morning and came across the one I’ve attached to this post. It’s the Wacky Witch’s morning routine … But more importantly it is the true experience she had …


I Don’t Want To Be A Spoiler

But I did enjoy the sharing of a personal experience …

How does this relate to Tarot?

Life is fluid … Tarot is fluid. Our thoughts and beliefs … even attitudes … Or something we hear … Sometimes it is merely fluff that we ignore … but a few things do come through … And they may or may not have an impact upon your life … or how you read the Tarot.

I believe the cards fall into position … but it is our interpretation that may be spun in one direction or another …

Daily Routine For The Wacky Witch


We Experience Blessings All The Time … But Are We Truly Aware …

I believe this is where Tarot comes in … sometimes to clarify … and sometimes to stir the cauldron … Thought a witch reference was appropriate.

I do see a Tarot reading as telling a story … your story … your issue … perhaps where you are at the moment … maybe your hopes and dreams about the situation … your thoughts … no matter how random and scattered …

Tarot is a tool … just as a needle and thread … They serve a purpose for a particular task … With Tarot, you may not get what you want to learn … but what you need to learn …

Some lessons are difficult and painful … especially when it is something near and dear to you … 

We need to view such heartache as blessings … allowing us to grow and move forward to something much more meaningful and fulfilling … 

Be as positive as possible … 

Thanks for stopping by!


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