I Have A Friend Who Uses Playing Cards As “Fortune Telling” Cards

This is something she learned as a child from her grandmother … She doesn’t read them as Tarot cards … They are playing cards … They are for telling fortunes. For my friend there is a distintion …

Fortune Telling With Playing Cards


Using Playing Cards As Tarot Cards



Above I have some links of playing cards … Below I have links for Tarot Cards … For me they are very different and since I’m learning Tarot I don’t want to start using playing cards or even oracle cards …

YouTube Is An Excellent Source For Learning Different Things …

If you want to get into Fortune Telling, I believe playing cards would be a great tool to use …

If you’re into understanding the ups and downs, twists and turns, etc. of life, I believe Tarot is a better choice.

You decide what’s best for you …

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