Today we’re going to take a look at the Minor Arcana — from the Ace to the Ten. We’ll look at the Court Cards with Kelly-Ann Maddox at a later time . . . along with others. I believe there are many excellent Tarot readers who can bring more clarity to this concept — the more exposure we have, I believe the better our personal understanding will be. So . . . Let’s get started!!

We’ve taken a bit of a step back here to grasp a better understanding of the suits in Tarot . . . as personality types. All of this is to make Tarot as relatable to you as possible. Maybe the four elements in the above lesson resonated with you . . . Maybe not . . . So, we’ll look at the suits in terms of personality with Vincent Pitisci.

Taking another look at the Four Suits as Personality Types with Vincent Pitisci — trends . . . building your foundation in learning Tarot and later when you do readings for yourself and others. This also helps when approaching particular issues as they arise.

I do like the way Vincent Pitisci cuts to the chase with the numbers . . . and given your understanding of the Four Suits as either elements or personalities . . . you can more easily grasp the meanings of each of the number cards in the Minor Arcana. Let’s see what Vincent has to teach us.

Wow! That Was Insightful!!

I’m getting a better understanding of the Minor Arcana card meanings — without memorizing . . .

I hope this has been helpful and beneficial for you as well.

Please let me know if you’ve found videos that have been helpful to you on your journey through your study of the Tarot. Leave a comment below.

How about the relationship with Tarot and the Wizard of Oz? That truly puts a face on the Suits of the Tarot cards. It brings much clarity — Did it bring clarity for you?

Has your theme of each number card you’ve figured out with Kelly-Ann, coincided with Vincent’s theme? I did find it quite helpful . . . and they did coincide quite nicely. This approach does bring clarity to my mind. I hope it did for you as well.

I thank you for stopping by!


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