I Did It!!

In my previous post I shared my thoughts regarding taking Daily Tarot Girl’s Intuitive Tarot Reading Course.

I did get off the fence and signed up!

I believe it’s a wise investment in me … Too often we put things off or believe we can do things on our own … In truth it is wise to know when we need help.

I believe this 4-week investment will do wonders for me!! And for this website as well … As I grow in my Tarot journey, what I have to offer you will grow as well.

I’ll coninue doing product reviews and also see what other crazy and interesting directions I’ll be going with MysticalKey.com  I hope you’ll continue visiting.

There are always new things to explore and directions to go …

I was watching an old movie a few days ago about a woman who got a friend of hers to get out and stop wallowing in the things that were wrong with his life. She left clues at National Parks for him to find … and in the process he found he was ready to move on …

What does this have to do with Tarot and the mystical realm … Probably nothing except there are times we do need to get out of our comfort zone and delve into something different.

I belong to an internet marketing group. Initially my focus was on building my websites … At one time I had 6 of them … and kept cutting back until I now have 2 active ones. I’m into affiliate marketing … I’ve done other things only to discover they we not right for me. Yet, these little ventures were good for me. I’m now facing another challenge with getting more involved with social media … Oh my goodness, talk about getting out of my comfort zone …

I’ll need to see how Tarot falls into place for me within a new platform …

Many things inspire us … we do owe it to ourselves to explore various opportunities that present themselves …

This has nothing to do with internet marketing, affiliate marketing or Kate’s Tarot Course … it’s about you and what inspires you … hopefully it is Tarot … It could be anything … crafts, ghost hunting … cooking, baking … gardening … playing a musical instrument … singing … dancing … goodness the list could go on and on …

The fall season inspires me. I do plan to take more pictures and see what’s new and interesting around my neighborhood with Halloween coming … I do love the pumpkins and the interesting ways people decorate their yards … Some are fun while others are downright creepy …

Some may think Tarot’s creepy … let me see what Tarot Decks are available to fit in this creepy catagory or one that is fun … one you’ll enjoy using in your personal and professional readings …


Let’s Delve Into The Good Tarot

There are lots of pros and cons to this Tarot Deck … some involve a matter of taste … Goodness, we can’t like them all :_

I do enjoy the walkthroughs to get a good sense of the deck before purchasing. 

I try not to get hung up on the name of a Tarot Deck, but I have passed this deck by for quite some time because of the title. I don’t believe life is always “good” and every situation where we find ourselves, there may be a valuable lesson we need to learn in order to grow positively — So … I kind of like life not be entirely rosey … but I don’t look forward to tough times …

The Good Tarot Walkthrough And First Impressions


The Important Thing Is What Do You Think …

It is a lovely deck … I prefer Cups, Swords, Wands and Pentacles to the elements. This is just a personal thing …

I may be able to warm up to this deck and find it to be quite charming. It seems to have a lot of symbols and fun elements that may allow for some insightful intuitive readings.

I’m really into my Everyday Witch Tarot along with Mystical Manga and Steampunk … I’ll refrain from naming my whole collection.

What do you think of The Good Tarot? Please leave me a comment with your thoughts. I would truly love to hear your thoughts about your favorite Tarot Decks and how you learned to Read Tarot. I’m also interested in your Tarot Journey. 

Thanks for stopping by and mulling through my rambline post. I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things with blogging.


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