Let’s Jump In

It’s important to have your own style when reading Tarot Cards. 

Right now I don’t believe I have one … yet I do believe every card spread does tell a story …

In this case, we’re going to join Daily Tarot Girl in her layout of the week ahead … She used my favorite Everyday Witch Tarot :_

What’s interesting is that we’re invited to sit with the cards for a moment to see what we see in this particular three card spread … What do you see?

Daily Tarot Girl Looks At The Week Of September 23, 2019


We Have The Ten Of Wands, The Empress And The Queen Of Wands …

The Ten Of Wands makes me think of the Little Engine That Could … “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can” concept …I also like to look at the cat … is he helping … or adding to her burden? It’s like when I would take my dogs for a walk … then when they were tired they wanted me to carry them home … I knew I was tired, too, … but I was there to help them … So I had one dog on each shoulder … Yes, we were going uphill, but there was comfort in holding them … We had to get home … it was my responsibility …

So … like the Little Engine That Could, I would say encouraging things to them … “I got you.” “We’ll be home soon.” “We’re rounding the corner … we’re almost there.” I could feel their bodies conforming to mine … It made me feel as though we were one … and oh how they trusted me … That was so encouraging 🙂

When we did get home, they would get a drink of water and collapse on the kitchen floor … I would sometimes sit with them and tell them “We did it!” I’d also let them know what a big help they were to me and how we did it together.

I do have a bit of a different take on the Ten of Wands … We take on only what we can handle. It may seem like a burden or a struggle … but have confidence in yourself … You can do whatever it is you put your mind to accomplishing.

Now … The Empress …

She is the empowerment of feminity … A sense of power and grace … nurturing … Just as when I was carrying my dogs — one on each shoulder … I was “mom” and I had a responsibility to them. 

Once you accomplished the tasks at the beginning of the week, you can bask in the abundance of nature and celebrate your accomplishments. It is a great feeling to have accomplished something worthwhile.

The Last Card In This Spread Is The Queen Of Wands …

The Queen of Wands is a woman of action … I believe if you would have laid down your burdens from earlier in the week, she would be there to kick you up and down the street …

She is that encouraging force to help carry those ten wands up the hill … The encouraging Little Engine That Could …

What Story Does This Coming Week Spread Say …

Own your power … have confidence that you can get your tasks done …

Seriously, I did like Kate’s message much better than mine … but I’m learning and I’m always ready to tell a story based upon my personal experiences and stories I’ve read … Yes, I do tell my dogs bedtime stories 🙂

I have only one precious Yorkshire Terrier now … but at one time I had two that have since traveled the Rainbow Bridge … They are still very much in my heart … I learned so very much from them … Now my precious Diva is putting me through my paces 🙂

I do hope this post was informative and helpful to you.

Thanks for stopping by!



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