We’ve Definitely Come A Long Way From Cutting Out Pictures From Magazines.

Since many of you are working with Tarot, I thought Jessica had a brilliant idea of using an old deck of Tarot cards to set up on her cork board.

This is an outstanding way of displaying old Tarot decks that you’re not using — with a functional purpose of creating a Vision Board to manifest great, wonderful elements into your life … It could also be a reminder of what you’re working towards achieving or giving graditude for all the delightful blessings that are in your life right now.

Jessica’s Tarot Vision Board:


I May Not Be Completely Clear On The Meaning Behind A Vision Board …

I’ve been successful using them in the past for buying and selling houses … buying a new car … changing jobs … etc. I’ve also used them to get a clear picture of my goals … And, I’ve felt free to change things during the process. Either something was achieved or I changed my mind.

I have great respect for the Tarot and for the essence of a Vision Board, but I don’t know about this phase of my life how it would work for me — Plus I don’t have any old Tarot decks and I don’t want to stick pins in the ones I have and am using. I wonder if it would work with taking pictures of the Tarot Deck or scanning them into my computer and printing out the ones I’d like to put up on my Vision Board.

I suppose it is all about our intent. 

If it worked for me in the past with magazine and newspaper clippings, I see no reason why it wouldn’t work with print outs of the various Tarot cards. 

I may want to bask in the layout of a Tarot reading I just had … or to use it to help me learn the meanings of my Tarot decks, but then I suppose it wouldn’t be a Vision Board. It would be a study aid. Yet … how is this really different?

We are focused upon what we want — something material or something we want to learn … I may be missing something here.

I do love Tarot and the decks I’ve purchased.

Since those are my “go to” decks for readings, perhaps I shouldn’t be so cheap and buy another set to use in my Vision Board. I was quite impressed by how many Tarot readers use several decks in their readings … There could be something to that as well in creating a Vision Board.

Seriously, most Tarot Decks are not all that expensive. And, I’d definitely be money ahead by buying another set and using it on a cork board for whatever purpose I choose — Vision Board or study aid.

I suppose I’ve made that quite clear — as mud … I do try my best and some times I over think things and get it all messed up. That’s why I’m a blogger and focus on one thing at a time for each of my blogs. At times they do seem to blend together in my mind and clutter my dreams with overlapping, but such is life — which is lovely by the way.

Thanks for stopping by!

Please use the links below to purchase your Tarot Cards and maybe a cork board to make your Vision Board or use it as a study aid — maybe you’d want to buy more than one …

Leave me a comment with your thoughts about Vision Boards … and whatever is on your mind about Tarot.


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