This Tarot Deck Has Been Coming Up In My Search For Awhile … I Thought It Was Now Time For Me To Take A Closer Look.

No surprise that Anna. K Tarot was created by Anna K. Llewellyn Publications brought it to life for us to purchase and share with others in readings.

It does follow the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition. Wands are Rods which is no big deal … The deck’s faces and facial expressions are the key to the card meanings. The images do seem to have a medieval look to them … in dress and in color … It seems to follow through in the facial expressions as well.

I am a great fan in video walk-throughs … I have one below you may enjoy.

Truth In Story’s Analysis of Anna. K Tarot 


Truth In Story Does Seem To Have A Personal Relationship With Each Tarot Card.

This came through quite strongly with her Anna. K Walkthrough video to the left.

This is truly the type of relationship I want to have with the Tarot Decks in my personal collection. Plus I’d like to be able to compare different cards from different decks … It speaks strongly to that personal relationship or knowing … This is truly something I strive to achieve.

This Is An Interesting Tarot Deck I’d Like To Get To Know Better … Perhaps In A Tarot Deck Interview …

I believe this is a gentle deck with hope and encouragement. 

I get a sense that it is true to human feelings rather than perhaps the more traditional meanings … For me it gives a different snapshot of the situation and once one works through the grief or hurt … one can then gather up strength to move forward … Much may depend upon our own reactions to heartbreak, disappointment and the like. I know at such times it is necessary to sit quietly and take a moment to feel … 

I welcome your feelings about Anna. K Tarot and perhaps your experiences while using the deck in personal and professional readings.

Thanks for stopping by!



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