I Remember Looking At This Deck When I Began My Tarot Journey . . .

“Druid” is a priest, magician or soothsayer in the ancient Celtic religion. This Tarot deck was first published in 2005. The release date of this edition was July 12, 2021. This has been a very popular deck for quite some time. I recently heard three Tarot Readers talking about it — it seems unlikely that these particular readers agree on a particular deck — they seemed surprised by this as well.

They also commented on their observation of how “attention to detail” seemed to be the norm back then, but not so much today. They were observing that many of the new Tarot Decks seem to be “rushed” . . . I don’t know that I particularly agree, but I don’t have the experience of these individuals. 

Of course, there are always particular cards in the deck that we absolutely love and others we don’t. That would be a matter of our perspective of how we perceive each Tarot card — or perhaps what we would want to see . . . 

I Believe It Is Worthwhile To See A Video Walkthrough Of The Entire Druid Craft Tarot

It Follows The Rider-Waite-Smith Tradition With Some Major Arcana Name Changes

I’m just thinking that since I was just learning about Tarot, the name changes may have bothered me . . . I’m not bothered by borders, so cutting my decks down is not something I ever plan on doing. I do prefer a matte finish which this deck has . . . I also like a nice guidebook, but it’s not a deal breaker if there is no guidebook.

This is published by Red Wheel, written/designed by Philip Carr-Gomm and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. Illustrated by Will Worthington. I do like the “old” feel and look to the cards and images. I’m feeling so much better about this deck than I may have when I first looked at it. Perhaps I was looking for something else . . . I do like the soft colors. This is a deck I would consider buying and using. Makes me wonder about other choices I’ve made . . .

I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube Videos where people talk about their favorite decks, decks they would keep and those they plan to let go. Some of the reasons are those they use and those they don’t . . . or they just don’t particularly like something about the deck — usually the artwork. Our tastes and preferences change over the years. I was wondering earlier when I was writing this review about some of my Tarot decks and why I bought them . . . especially when I hear something negative about a particular deck . . . It makes me wonder, then I remember why I bought it or what I was aiming for in my personal collection . . . But time will tell how many I would keep and use and how many may have been a mistake . . .

I’ve also gotten a bit more serious about my Tarot Journey . . . I think I’ve always been serious, but didn’t want to put forth the effort in learning and practicing . . . Everyone has their own approach to learning. It’s best to do what works for you, not what others believe is the correct approach. Yet, I’m going to throw in my two cents . . . I’ve been reading and watching Vincent Pitisci — he has three books I purchased and in these books and also in several of his videos, he maps out key words to all the cards with additional words that relate to the main key word that helps broaden or deepen the meaning to fit in any given issue a person would have . . . The key word concept is much easier than trying to memorize a paragraph description — but perhaps reading the description brings out the value of the key words . . . That’s what I’ve found. We or I need a “hook” to attach it — perhaps that’s the Tarot card image, but we may use a different deck and the key is to be able to pick up any Tarot deck and be able to read the cards . . . Just my thoughts.

I believe Tarot is a tool . . . I know many of the Tarot deck descriptions speak of the magic within the cards . . . For me, the magic is truly seeing and understanding — opening up intuitively to see beyond what is in front of me. This sometimes means getting out of my way to actually hear the message or learn the lesson . . . I do readings for myself. I have an issue I want resolved or see in a different way and I turn to the Tarot . . . We sometimes need a new perspective and this may be the reason why we have a number of Tarot decks . . . Each one seems to give us answers in a different perspective . . . Or we may see things differently and ask our question differently, thus opening up a whole new solution . . .

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