I’m Always Intrigued By The Names The Tarot Creators Give Their Tarot Decks . . .

This is a Llewellyn Publication by Melanie Marquis and illustrated by Scott Murphy. It was first released September 8, 2016.

It is to be used to “improve your divinatory and magick practices.” I’m not entirely sure what that means, but later on in the description is speaks of “casting a tarot spell for greater prosperity.”

Most likely that will be explained more in the 264 page Guidebook that is part of this purchase.

I do see Tarot as a tool that probably has many functions depending upon how one would choose to use them. It’s always good to be well versed in whatever you practice and take appropriate precautions before getting started . . . As with everything the proper state of mind is essential and a respect for the tools and the skills employed.

I Do Have A Couple Of Videos I’d Like To Share With You Today

We’ll begin with a brief walkthrough and review of Modern SpellCaster’s Tarot.

Next we’ll look into connecting with your Tarot deck. This technique can be used with any deck of your choice. In the video, she used this particular deck, so I thought it appropriate to include a review here.

As in previous posts, I’ve had deck interviews . . . I thought this one was much more comprehensive and helpful.

What Do You Think?

I do love the artwork. This is truly a beautiful deck. I believe it is great for intuitive Tarot readers. We can bring our own knowledge to light in our readings. The guidebook doesn’t spell out everything . . . it allows us to ponder for ourselves or to search for our own answers . . . Depending upon your viewpoint, it could be a good thing or . . . perhaps not . . .

As was mentioned in the first video, there was a bit of disappointment that so many of the symbols are not explained . . . I believe this is necessary in order to get the most out of our understanding from our readings. I’m not opposed to doing my own research . . . I just want to have my Tarot decks as a full description of what I’m seeing and feeling . . . But that may just be me . . .

This goes along with the second video of journalling about your own research and your own interests in order to make a personal connection with your Tarot deck.

I Wanted To Take A Moment To Discuss Connecting With Your Tarot Deck

Whenever I get a new deck, I do all the unwrapping and I immediately count the cards. I just want to make sure all 78 of them are there.

I then move on to a walkthrough — also checking that all the cards are in the suit as they should be . . . 

I do like the concept of going through the cards with the guidebook to get a fuller understanding of each card’s meaning . . . And . . . I also like the idea of placing the cards in different piles . . . those I especially resonate with, those I’m not resonating with at all . . . and those that are just all right . . . This step for me may come before I delve into the book to get a fuller understanding of the author’s intent of each card’s meaning . . . 

I also enjoyed the concept of asking a question of the deck and selecting a card and from that card pretty much selecting the next question before selecting the next card . . . So, essentially, this is allowing the deck to conduct the interview . . . This is a fresh concept that will be different for each deck you have and for each time you want to connect with your deck.

I regularly ask the Tarot what it has to tell me . . . This could include things I need to know or do . . . Sometimes I have a specific issue I want to discuss with Tarot . . . I do look for answers, but usually guidance . . . Of course, you use your Tarot cards however you decide is best for you and for the deck you’re using.

I don’t want to rehash Dawn Michelle’s points here . . . she did a fine job, as did the Zen Witch in her review of Modern SpellCaster’s Tarot.

As with most reviews and instructional videos, we receive our own ideas and thoughts while we’re viewing. That’s what is so great about them. I find it interesting how I can revisit a video and get a completely different message from it . . . I may have evolved or I was in a better state of mind . . . This is why I believe connecting with your deck is so important . . . 

I do hope this was helpful and beneficial to you . . . Either to select a new Tarot deck or to connect with a deck or two you have.

Thank you for stopping by! Please leave me a comment below. I promise I won’t be emailing you with anything . . . I don’t have a newsletter and you’re free to visit or not as you choose.


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