A “Go To” Tarot Deck Is The One You Use Most Often For Your Personal Readings And When Reading For Others

It’s the Tarot deck you enjoy using and the one that gives you the best readings … It’s the Tarot deck that may best represent who you are or makes you feel good … 

As many of you who have been following this blog know, my “go to” Tarot deck is Everyday Witch Tarot. I have other decks I use from time to time, but the Everyday Witch is the one I seek out most of the time.

Since I’m still a student of Tarot and am still on my journey, for me it is best to stay with one Tarot deck … but, of course, I’ve bought others and I do want to use them from time to time.

This Isn’t About Me … It’s About You And What Tarot Deck You Would Select To Use For Your Personal Readings … And Readings For Others …

What theme would you prefer?

I like witches, cooking, fairy tales, haunted stuff … antiques … I know many who are into mermaids, crystals … cats … wizards … nature … wildlife … Oh my! There are hundreds of themes from which to choose …


Tatoo Tarot Review


Tatoo Tarot — Ink And Inspiration

This deck follows the Rider-Waite Tradition which I believe is the best means of choosing a new deck. I want all of my decks to be based on Rider-Waite to help me learn Tarot even while using other decks.

Many people are into tatoos … they either admire them or have one or more … I love the artwork for a Tarot deck, but you may see this deck differently …

Tatoo Tarot Is An Interesting Deck

It follows the Rider-Waite Tradition as I mentioned earlier. From the video you learned of its price and got a look at the guide book and the cards …

Does this Tarot deck appeal to you?

Does it inspire you?

I bought BoneFire Tarot which is designed by a tatoo artist … I found it to be different from the other Tarot decks I was purchasing … For some reason I was drawn to it …

I wonder if that is a “mystical key” elements in selecting a Tarot deck …

There is a reason why we purchase the Tarot decks we choose for our collection … Something does inspire us to do so … It could be the artwork or a review or something that intrigues you … 

Are you drawn to Tatoo Tarot … Bonefire Tarot … Everyday Witch Tarot … or something else?

It truly doesn’t matter why … just that you have found a Tarot deck as your “go to” deck.’

Well … Since this is a review … I encourage you to check out Kittens Weights and Tarot over at YouTube and check out her projects. And, perhaps help her out a bit with a money donation … 

I did enjoy this walkthrough … but I’m not a real fan of the Tatoo Tarot deck … I didn’t find it all that interesting or inspirational … I’d go with Bonefire Tarot … Oops! I already did … It is already part of my personal collection. I would recommend Bonefire Tarot over Tatoo Tarot at this time.

Thanks for stopping by. I do hope this post was informative and gave you a direction in which to choose your “go to” Tarot deck.


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