Fall Is In The Air

Too often we get this false sense of fall … a few cool days and then the heat of summer returns … Hopefully this year will be different for me. I do love fall!!!

Actually, it doesn’t really matter what Tarot decks you use throughout the year … Some people change from season to season while some have their favorite decks and use them for personal and readings for others. 

Of course I have my favorite deck I use most of the time, but I do try to change to another deck occasionally just for a bit of a change. It is all a matter of what you prefer.


Today We’re Talking About Halloween Tarot Decks

I chose the video to the right, because she showed decks you can purchase from Amazon … I like to feature decks that are readily available for you to purchase at a reasonable price.

I also chose this video because it featured many decks I own.  Plus there were decks I’d never purchase, but many of you may not be as creeped out by them as I am. But that may be another topic for another day.

There are many Tarot decks that lend well to this time of year … Select the ones that resonate with you.

Break Out The Candy Corn And Enjoy This Delightful Tarot Deck Selection For Halloween


I’m Inspired To Purchase Some Of These Tarot Decks — How About You?

I do like to view some of the video reviews and walkthroughs. I do enjoy looking at all of the Tarot cards. Of course there will be some we love, some we hate and some that are all right but don’t wow us.

If the majority of the cards appeal to me, I’ll usually purchase the deck. I also like to take some time to gain an overall feel of the deck. It may sound strange, but I do need to feel comfortable with a Tarot deck before I purchase it and bring it into my home.

There are Tarot decks available to purchase that may be quite popular, but I just don’t like them or feel comfortable having them in my home. Many of you may feel the same way … It’s important for you to select Tarot decks that appeal to you and you will use … Don’t ever feel forced to purchase a deck because it is popular and someone says it’s a “must have”.

Thanks for stopping by!!


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