Many Times We Find Ourselves At A Crossroad — Unable To Decide The Best Solution Or Path To Take

Today I was seeking options … And I was told “The Answer Is Within Me.”

That was very nice … but I was seeking guidance with other alternatives … 

In the end I will make a decision … but I do like discovering  other options

While working with my Everyday Witch Tarot I found how comfortable it felt in my hands and when I drew a card, It felt as though I was meeting an old friend. I know this sounds goofy … but it is the type of relationship many develop with their Tarot Decks.

I do like a smaller sized card that fits well in my hand. I do have larger ones that are difficult for me to handle, but I do like the images … But I believe I’ll be leaning towards the smaller decks in the future …


I’ve Found I’ve Very Much Bonded With My Everyday Witch Tarot And Turn To It When I’m Seeking Answers …

Even when my readings tell me I already know the answer … But it does tell me to stay focused and to keep in balance … Those are important elements to address whenver we’re facing a decision.

I’m always fiddling around with my websites … I want them to be more interesting … And I’ve found that balancing three is a bit too much … even two at times is more than I can handle … But I love blogging …

It started out being a way of sharing with others … Then it became more of a business venture … Then it just got out of hand with a loss of perspective … I want to gain that back … having fun and sharing … Not so much thinking about business and wanting visitors to buy … I would appreciate that … but I’m tickled I get visitors to my websites … That is extremely important to me 🙂

The Tarot Deck You Choose To Purchase Has To Be Relatable To You …

If you like it, you’ll use it … The more you use it, the more you’ll learn about the meanings of each card and the more confident you’ll become … and maybe want to read Tarot Cards for others …

I do have several Tarot Decks in my collection, but I’m very happy using the Everyday Witch Tarot for the majority of my readings. It is a fun deck to work with and to explore the images … I enjoy looking for the cat and seeing what he or she is getting into …

Tarot is a serious tool … but it can also be run … Find a Tarot Deck you would enjoy using the majority of the time.

Thanks for stopping by!


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