A Deeper Look Into Your Understanding Of Tarot

Are you discovering your bond with each individual Tarot card?

It’s positive to have your list of keywords — also sit quietly and study the card or cards . . . Tap into your imagination . . . your intuition . . . It is amazing what you’ll discover.

You Decide How You Feel About Reversals In Tarot Reading

There are many Tarot decks that don’t cover reversals — and, of course others do . . . It’s a personal preference on your part — There is no correct or incorrect response as to whether to use reversals or not. You may decide to acknowledge them sometimes and other times not . . .

The Best Way To Practice And To Get To Know Your Tarot Deck Is Through Practice

Simple spreads are useful . . . More elaborate ones allow you to really dig into an issue. 

According to Vincent Pitisci, the card spread is the blueprint . . . You can also design your own spreads . . . or rearrange them to suit your question . . . The card spread is merely a tool. How you use it is entirely up to you.

I Do Hope This Was Helpful To You

You decide where your Tarot Study Journey will take you. Below are some books I recommend you purchase. They have been extremely helpful to me . . . and I believe they will be helpful to you as well.

I Do Thank You For Stopping By!

Please leave me a comment below about any of the videos or books . . . or what you have found helpful on your Tarot Journey.


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